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Marketing a new website using video

Marketing a new website before the release is essential there are many tools at your disposal to effectively get more eyeballs on your business.

The main focus is making sure you reach the correct target audience with the right content to get them to engage with the new site. Using video should be your first thought along with other digital marketing strategies.

Video can be used in a variety of ways including:-

Produce short form social video content from what has already been used on the site by repurposing it. This gives a sense of familiarity when they see the content in the same style on the social channels. It keeps brand consistency front of mind and creates a more professional offering.

Encourage team members to create short videos to make their network aware that there is a new website being built and going to be released. They already have the industry connections and network so the content will be getting directly to the right audience. Including short descriptions of what will be included on the site and how you can interact with it would also be beneficial.

Create videos of page scrolling and clicking through menus to give viewers a better sense of the style and content on the site. Be careful not to show to much as these will be more of a brief teaser than an actual information type video.

Use some of the photography on the site and make videos in a number of different styles from that content. This could be using team headshots or people doing their day to day work. All this continues to emphasise the brand and story.

Make sure any embedded videos on sites like Vimeo and Youtube are optimised for SEO including all the relevant titles, descriptions and tags. Using keywords can also be a big help and don't forget that engaging thumbnail image to attract attention.

Existing clients and partners could also be brought on board to help with the promotion. They already have their own similar networks and would be a perfect choice. They will have a vested interest in you being successful and it is also indirect self promotion for them at the same time. Go give them a call I'm sure they will help?

When all the organic options have been used and you still need or want a bigger push then you can also look at creating paid video ads for the social networks. That of course is a totally separate area that you would have to look at to decide whether it is for you.

Using these video marketing strategies can significantly boost your visibility, engage your audience and drive traffic to your new website. Test and test again to see which ones work best for you and your business. Find the areas that create the biggest impact and use over and over again.

Making your content work harder is always a priority here at Lucas Media. Advising and implementing content strategies are really important and make tangible differences on the outcome of a campaign.

Send us a message via the contact form here on the site or connect with us on one of our social channels.